12/20 2013

Collect Yourself: What to Do When You’re Being Strung Along


As we humans have evolved, we seem to want more stuff.

So we collect. We collect things like shoes, smartphones, academic degrees, handbags, fun experiences, cars, makeup, careers…

Some people collect relationships.

And just like when we were little kids and didn’t want to get ridREAD MORE

08/1 2013

KISS Your Man’s “E-spot”

I was sitting with one of my best friends the other day (who happens to be male and also my husband), and we were discussing the topic of this blog post…

What is the best way for a woman to get a man to openREAD MORE

10/3 2011

Know Thyself: What is Personal Intimacy Anyway?


My clients often come into my office wondering how to bring greater joy into their lives. We all – myself included – are looking for ways to bring greater joy into our lives. This quest for meaning and happiness is evidenced through the multi-million-dollar self-helpREAD MORE