08/10 2011

Intimacy InterCourse: After “The Apology”

Here’s a scenario that plays itself out almost daily in my practice…

Couples argue.  They scream and yell and curse at each other.  Shoes have been thrown.

In front of me.

I don’t know why, but I’m comfortable with that.  (The reasons why would require an entirely separateREAD MORE

07/28 2011

Don’t Look! Into Me See…


Into Me See.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been asked by people very close to me – including my uber-successful (and competitive) sister with whom I’ve experienced major sibling rivalry – what makes me an “intimacy expert?”

She asked me this not because I’ve excelled inREAD MORE

07/6 2011

The Second Coming of The Weiner Epidemic: Prophylaxis

When I first brought you “The Weiner Epidemic: Disease of Disconnect,” I was (hopefully) offering insight into the role that intimacy – or the lack thereof  – plays in the demise of relationships, often right from their inception (love that movie!).  The “Disease of Disconnect”READ MORE

02/16 2011

Throw a Wrench in It!

Everything in my life happens in themes.  I have learned over the years to simply step aside and see what themes emerge.  Although I’ve received training in a number of therapeutic orientations – including psychodynamic, behavioral, and humanistic – I can’t help but conceptualize whatREAD MORE

01/11 2011

Day 1:

Yep…  That’s my blog title, and here goes my blog:

I came to this title after many years of starting various blogs, writing blog posts here and there – the latest being “The Relationship Conversation” (which has a lot of thoughts in it, but zero posts).READ MORE