About Dr. Marla
Dr. Marla Reis
The Intimacy Mastermind
Dr. Marla is referred to as THE Intimacy Mastermind, and her work has focused in great part on couples and relationships
Dr. Marla Reis has been a licensed psychologist in South Florida for the past 30+ years. Dr. Marla specializes in couples and family therapy and has extensive training and experience in issues related to parenting. She also works with individuals to help them attain greater communication and harmony in relationships, thereby increasing personal intimacy. Dr. Marla assists in their personal growth, thereby positively influencing not only the love relationship, but the many diverse relationships present throughout life.
Dr. Marla is referred to as THE Intimacy Mastermind, and her work has focused in great part on couples and relationships. Her work focuses on intimacy and enhanced communication. She has developed the Intimacy Prenup™, which is a tool used by engaged couples to increase their intimacy and build a proper, stable foundation for marriage – even before the marriage takes place. The Intimacy Prenup™ is also used with married couples as a way to reconnect and increase intimacy, as well as couples who are in other established relationships. In addition, Dr. Marla works with business owners on creating and maintaining customer intimacy – leading to customer loyalty and business growth.
Dr. Marla also works with individuals on personal intimacy and Self-Relationship. She offers lifestyle counseling to ensure that all aspects of your life are balanced and aligned, which then serves to increase the harmony in all other areas of life: Relationship, Family, and Career.
Dr. Marla’s approach to therapy is positive and supportive – and includes lots of feedback, reflection, challenge – and HUMOR. Through her many life roles such as psychotherapist, green living consultant, entrepreneur, parenting expert, public speaker – and fellow seeker of harmonious living – she can truly understand your challenges and help with your journey toward greater intimacy and happiness.
Dr. Marla is currently offering Training Programs periodically through this website.
She received her Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida and is a Licensed Psychologist in the State of Florida (License #PY 8176). You can follow her on X @DrMarlaReis.
To learn about working with Dr. Marla, click here.