Virtual Therapy
Virtual Appointments with Dr. Marla
We can still work together!
Although we may live many miles away from each other – or even if we live in the same city but you don’t feel like leaving the comfort of your home – we can still work together!
Over the past couple years, the number of people taking advantage of Virtual or Online Therapy has increased dramatically. Many people who have experienced therapy sessions online report that the experience leaves them feeling less intimidated, more relaxed, and in-charge of the session – thereby leading to increased growth and happiness! Our therapeutic relationship online can be every bit as powerful as face-to-face therapy, since it feels like we’re actually in the same room.
Since getting 2 or more people together in one room is often impractical, online therapy is a perfect option for couples, families, or groups who may find it difficult to be in the same place at the same time. Online therapy is also great for the environment, as it cuts down on costs of transportation to and from the therapy office!
I offer a short initial “meeting” via Skype – at no cost to you – in order to familiarize with the process and see if you would like to work with me. Please email me at for more information.